Tuesday, August 13, 2013

This is just the beginning.....

I have never, ever been away from work and responsibilities for any length of appreciable time.  Last year the girls and I went to North Padre for four days and that was pure pleasure.  This year, I am taking a full two weeks off of work and Stacy and I are spending 10 days at the coast.  Destination?  Port Aransas, the Seagull Condominiums.

This is an annual trek one of Stacy's best buddies take and Stacy has been going along in recent years. Quick note....he and this friend have known each other since Stacy was 4 years old....that is 50 YEARS!  Now THAT is a friendship.

On each end of the beach, I have a day or two....on this end, I'm easing into vacation mode.  Today, I made my toes twinkly for walking on the beach.  The picture doesn't do it justice but it's a wonderful read with superfine red glitter worked through the polish giving it almost an iridescence.  I absolutely love it.

Tomorrow holds errands....getting travelers cheques, making grocery lists, packing, and my most anticipated chore?  Cutting Stacy's hair.  Yup!  He asked....said if I blow it he's going to get it cut anyway, she can fix it. So....I'm game to try.  Shorter on the sides, bit longer on top.  He's got the shaver thingy.  Hmm that should give confidence, I call it a shaver thingy.  But anyone offers me a challenge?  It's on!!!

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