Friday, August 16, 2013

DAY TWO: Mustang Island, Texas

Day Two, the first full day on Mustang Island.  Woke about 8 am this morning and hit the coffee button while Stacy cut, buttered and heated banana bread for us.  8 was sleeping in, due to the fact we are on vacation.  We hit the beach and WALKED.....which is very different from walking on the hard ground wearing sneakers.  Barefoot, sand pushing against your feet, muscles you didn't have the day before groaning at you.

My first question of the day was....what the heck is this white stuff all over the beach.  Literally ALL OVER.  I think it looks like fish bones but it's not.  Stacy calls it "sea rice" but that doesn't yield anything on a Google search.  So I put the question out to my ever so knowledgeable Facebook friends but nothing.  If anyone reading this has a clue, let me know what it is!

I was so sure I was going to find a treasure on the beach and actually, what we found are purple mesh bags.  Produce probably came in them but they are perfect for the beach, making it simple to wash sand off in the surf.  That was the big physical find of the day.  BUT.....the jellyfish and the sand hill crane were the finds that we are going to remember via picture.

This jellyfish is gorgeous, pink along the rippled ridge and a lovely blue.  And dead!!!  Just don't want to run into his friends in the ocean.

The sand hill crane was hanging out with the fishermen, bothering them.  When we approached, the crane started walking down the beach, leading our walk.  Incredible how close we got.  

Back to condo, snack (all that beach walking took a lot out of us so we had to have a bit of yogurt with strawberries and a high protein cereal).  Now, to the beach in earnest.  Stacy and I spent quite a bit of time in the gulf, bobbing around like buoys mainly.  I attempted to "body surf" if you could call it that, the waves were kind of pitiful.  Regardless, the ocean is such a relaxer for me, refreshing, washing away cares and worries.  I think in the last 24 hours I've laughed and been goofier, freer than I have ever been with Stacy and he's still ok with me.  This one is the keeper.  Vacation was definitely on the doc's prescription pad and it's only the start.  

Sitting in the sun. sandwiches on the beach, ocean spray.  What a perfect day.  About 3 pm Stacy deemed it time to show me Port Aransas so we drove the approximately 10 miles into town.  Port Aransas is located on the north end of Mustang Island.   

We headed first to the Dennis Dryer Municipal Harbor.  As you head into the harbor, you can drive your car onto the ferry to cross onto Hwy 361.  Free, apparently, that blew my mind.  Anyway....into the harbor.  

A few pictures and I have to say my favorite is of the bikes.....totally unusable, one no chains, all so rusted they hurt, seats broken off, etc.  Just saw an artistic opportunity and loved it.

Next we drove through the Nature Preserve at Charlie's Pasture then had to go past the Port Aransas Library, of course.  No need to explain that one!

Back to the condo, time for a nap and to regroup, then I cleaned a pound of raw shrimp and made whole wheat pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, zucchini and shrimp.  Friends of Stacy and Joe's joined us for dinner.  The guys have known Jess for about 30 years and his wife joined us as well....straight from New Jersey.

Immediately after dinner we headed to the beach to watch the sunset and just enjoy the evening.  

Stacy completely spoiled me by rubbing my feet.....had to be well over an hour.  I lay at his feet on the beach, foot lifted to his lap as he used my Bath and Body Works body cream in some decadent scent, to massage my feet.  I've never been pampered like this, touched with love the way he does.  And not just for a bit.  I feel guilty in a way but I completely appreciate it and tell him so.  Did I say mention he is the keeper?  What a lovely way to end the day.  Being pampered.  Watching families armed with flashlights walk the beach and chase big crabs.  Listening to the waves crash on the shore with the love of my life.  Perfect day all the way around.  We must have sat out there engulfed in nature for three hours, appreciating the beauty.  Then up for a shower to get the salt and sand off.....and now I'm using the lobby WiFi for blogging, Susie is snoozing, and Stacy and Joe are having guy time.  

Looking forward to Day Three. 

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