Monday, August 19, 2013


Today was a beach day all day....started with our morning walk and again we collected goodies.  Below is a pic of what we have collected so need to buy beach toys, is there?  The purple bags are produce bags I think.  We found two and they are perfect for beach things cause you can dunk them in the water to rinse the toys off.  Of course, I collect things like shells and driftwood......

Below is our set up on the beach.  We leave it at night, locking up the chairs.  People seem pretty good here, we haven't been bothered.  Notice Joe's rental on the beach.  What blew me away is the cars drive on the beach!  I've never been around that, Stacy said maybe it's just a Texas thing.  But they right up and empty their stuff out....lots of fishermen do that, trucks parked rear to the water and they work their day out of the bed of the truck.

Tonight is ALMOST the full moon.  Joe plans this trip so that a full moon always hits during the dates.  This moon was a Blue Moon....apparently there are two full moons per cycle and this cycle happened to have three which isn't extremely common.  We definitely saw a change in the tide and waves, it was fun to observe.  We came down to the beach and sat for hours, talking and just enjoying the beauty to witness this.

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