Tuesday, February 19, 2013

San Antonio...take two...

Tunes for the road, fired up and pounding.   Hitting the road on a Friday night heading to San Antonio.  This weekend is more about care taking and being there, but  adventures happen regardless.
San Antonio Botanical Gardens

Headed to the San Antonio Botanical Gardens on Monday, President's Day.  Absolutely gorgeous weather, although the day started out cloudy.  Parking the car, the very first think I spotted was a bluebonnet.  The first one this season!

 Did you know that a great way to plant bluebonnets is to make a slurry, creating mudballs with the seeds inside, let them dry and then fling them around the yard?  That way the birds don't eat the seeds.

 Entering the gardens, my eyes were dancing with all the colors.  Made me want to play in the dirt and dig.  Pictures of the beautiful flowers....


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