Tuesday, April 23, 2013

San Antonio Riverwalk

Took my daughter with me on a whirlwind 24 hour trip to San Antonio to get a "Stacy-fix".  We ended up parking, walking and exploring.  It happened to be the first weekend of FIESTA and we strolled along the Riverwalk  to get to Market Square.   You've got to read the Fiesta website to get an idea what this is, but even then, I think it eludes you.  Probably takes living her and experiencing it a bit to understand.

Anyway as I understand it's hispanic culture, a bit tongue in cheek humor, fun.  Think Mardi Gras hispanic style.  Bright colors everywhere, party city!  There are events for 10 days and MANY all over town.  Parades (plural), music galore.....I've only hit the tip of the iceberg.  Fiesta de los Reyes is what we experienced at Market Square.  CROWDS.  And with Stacy's shoulder/collarbone situation that made me nervous.

10 days of wild celebration.  I missed the river parade but apparently it was televised so I'll be looking for it on the interwebz.  So much to see and do in San Antonio.....much more to come.

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