Wednesday, February 13, 2013

San Antonio, here I come!

So, I suppose that "seeing" someone in a different city is a valid reason for visiting that city often and exploring?  It was confirmed in visiting with Stacy that when you live in a city, the last thing you do is explore it.  So, I'd say that he and I have some fun times ahead exploring SA.

Sunday, February 3, 2013 found me making the 101 mile, house to house trip for the first time.  Much of my time was NOT exploring, but enjoying the company, often in the beautiful sun by the pool.  I mean, c'mon check this out.  Morning one, out by the pool, catch my breakfast dishes near me.  How can you not enjoy?

We went over to Brackenridge Park and wandered.  I discovered that Tuesday admission at the Witte Museum is free from 3 - 8 pm.  Note made to self to go back and explore.  Also, the San Antonio Zoo is right there....and the park itself has wonderful walking trails.  I tended to want to take the lesser known paths through the woods and was able to, a couple times.  Thank goodness my companion has a better sense of direction than I do.

OK these moss balls intrigued me, made me think of Tribbles from Star Trek.   I know they aren't the easiest to see, I should have picked one up  and taken the pic against a better backdrop, but I loved them.  My imagination began to soar.  Look up with me and see how they look in the trees.  Silly, I know, but I felt like a kid exploring the wonders of the world with a spring in my step.  I wanted to hold hands and skip through the woods, but I restrained myself.  Too new of a relationship to jeopardize it by letting all my inner kid out yet.....gotta save some surprises.

We did come back to Brackenridge with lunch the next day and walked more and I plan to be back to hit the museum and zoo and the park yet again. Oh!  Almost forgot my best San Antonio find (well, other than him), something I've missed from my California days.  TRADER JOE'S!!!  I was so excited to find out they had opened in November of 2012 and that I could hit the Quarry and get my TJ fix.  You can bet I will be back each visit.

OK, humor me with this part, this is pure self indulgence.  So, this guy....yea.  Makes my heart skip.  One of the days it was warm enough (80) to sit by the pool in our swim suits and we had actually planned to swim.  The day got past us and we didn't.  But I did sneak a few pics.  Oh....and check out those banana trees and the awesome trim job....I did the trimming/clean up job when I was there.  Was good to be useful.  Yea and that last pic to the right there does make me melt.  Kinda like that guy.  Putting a keeper stickie note on him. 

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