Our weekend in Corpus at North Beach in December means an entirely different kind of beach wardrobe. Doesn't matter to me, though. Just being on the beach and by the ocean is what is important.

I spent part of the morning sitting on the beach meditating. On looking to my left, I found that I had company. I haven't identified the type of birds that are here but definitely not the sea gulls with the yellow beak. I believe these are some type of plover. I had been all alone but think these guys showed up to hang out with me and see how close they could get. They were probably five feet away. They stayed until I decided to get up and then the picture I took of the entire flock flying away was beautiful (well, I thought so).

We spent hours walking the beach and collecting shells, looking at washed up jelly fish, sitting in chairs staring at the ocean, and just plain meditating.
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