Sunday, August 18, 2013

DAY FOUR: Playing tourist sunday

Woke to this sunrise, a bright yellow halo around the rising sun. Not a bad view off the balcony.

Started the day with our usual one hour walk on beach, picking up treasures and snapping pictures along the way. Stacy is so patient with me as I constantly am stopping to look at things or take pictures. This morning we found this lovely sand castle that made it through the night. Sake bomb it proclaims. Check out the arches on this thing. Someone knew sand architecture.

Stacy wanted to show me Port Aransas, I had never been in the town nor even knew it was here!  So in we went......TOURIST TIME!  We hit some wonderful touristy stores, my favorite being the one with all the seahorses outside.....
Stacy standing guard over my seahorses.  Doesn't it make you want a seahorse lollipop?

Check out this sunset we caught off the front balcony.

Tonight a friend of Joe and Stacy's joined us. They've known him for 30 years. Jess and his wife Terry from New Jersey. Dinner was at Kody's....yum!  Jody was walking around and brought us a sample of a rib eye he'd just pulled off the grill. Freaking amazing. We'd already ordered so the shrimp basket was it and yes, yummy. 

Then....stop at the IGA for some groceries before heading back to the condo. A grocery with a fun house mirror????  Yup. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out we were laughing so hard and getting goofy.

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