Monday, July 15, 2013

Canyon Lake....The Tye Preston Memorial Library

Friday I was able to visit the Tye Preston Memorial Library in Canyon Lake for a meeting.  I had numerous questions for the director of this beautiful facility and as a result I had a private tour and snapped away.  Above is the entry.  The bricks, sporting the names of residents and people they wish to memorialize, are partially from the former library, some from this new library.  All were moved to this new location three years ago and incorporated into this lovely entry.

This mural was done by a local artist.  The lady in the stacks, standing is Tye Preston, the namesake of the library.  The little girl in the brown chair turns out to be someone the artist knows and she also happens to be a loyal patron of the library, unbeknownst to the artist.  Cool coincidence.

The walls throughout the library are designed with a runner at the top that clips slip into to support art work.  The local artists guild keeps the library supplied with a rotating source of artwork.

The library sits on 6.5 acres that was donated to them.  Off the back is a large patio with iron tables and chairs and wonderful wooden rockers from Cracker Barrel.  This is where I ate my lunch.  The perimeter of the land sports a trail, not quite one mile long.  It wraps down the hillside around the property and up to the observatory.  The far line of trees in the picture above is the river.

Looking down over the landscaping that runs down toward the trail.

And now onto the BUTTERFLY GARDEN!!!

Gate ahead to the garden.  The body of the butterfly on the gate is made from an old corvette engine.

The garden is full of butterfly friendly plants, all well labelled.  The entire landscape is maintained by volunteer "reader weeders" that adopt sections and keep it weeded and cleaned.

This bench for sitting is actually a butterfly made of mosaics.  The back is decorated as well with beautiful inset tiles and stones.

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